Fallen Ash


Developer Interview!

Submitted by: Quinnman89
Estimated runtime: 1-2 Hours
Recieved Foopy award for: Best Performance & Voice Acting

Game download (New version): https://foopy.net/games/FALLENASHv2_0.rar
Game download (Jam version): https://foopy.net/games/FallenAshV1_1.rar
Quinnman89's Twitter: https://x.com/quinnman89

Q: What was the biggest challenge with making Fallen Ash?
     A: The biggest challenge was getting started. A blank canvas. It's enough to make most people quit!
     The barren wasteland of dated forum posts and the ocean of unhelpful tutorials didn't make things 

Q: What were your biggest inspirations when designing Fallen Ash?
     A: Inspirations... That's a good question. If we pull from similar games in the genre, I would have to
     say the upcoming Deltarune. That, and a bit of visual novels I've been playing. (Danganronpa, 999,
     Umineko, Planetarian.) I really wanted to tell a story (see: write jokes) and while I don't know if I'd
     consider it "GOOD," I think I did okay with the time I had.

Q: What would you add if you had more time?
     A: I would triple the map size and things to do in ACT 2. I really wanted to go for an "open zone" or
     "non-linear" game design, where the player could accomplish their goals with some sense of flexibility
     and options. I also wish I made the "to-do list" at least 25% bigger.

Q: Please type your favorite emoticon face.
     A: (@_@;)

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Comments (13)

I lost 200 hours of Quinn VC time for this

I have my criticisms but most of which are more of production quality, but the overall story was encapsulating. I was instantly invested, both emotionally and sexually. The twists and turns of the plot make every story beat a significantly stunning work of art. The aforementioned imperfections only furthered the intimacy I felt when first playing. This may not be the best game ever created, but it struck a chord with me, and it is sure to become a cult classic that will hold up throughout the ages.

I thoroughly enjoyed my experience with this game! I laughed a ton at all the jokes and was impressed with the callbacks at the end from earlier in the game. I felt myself getting emotional near the end of the game which I didn't expect to get, it tugged at my heart strings a bit. I sure hope that this isn't the last project we see from Quinnman89!


A really enjoyable experience. It was fun finding all the different interactions and references, and the music choices were fantastic. The level of care put in really shines through and I was invested the whole way. It was peak.

My friends and I loved hunting for every little interaction, you genuinely have a real knack for writing funny dialogue. I loved the game's atmosphere, your choices of music and the overall aesthetics were great. Comedy aside, I also personally enjoyed the game sort of locking in towards the end as well, I got really into it.

Y'all killed it with the voice acting. That's so much effort to put into a quick gamejam thing, especially when it's your first time working with the tools, but it paid off hard, and I think it elevated your game to something really special and memorable.

Awesome job dude, seriously.

I kneel... Thank you.

This is actually a game set in an alternate universe where Indonesian companies (the names of the signs are in Indonesian) are more powerful and capable of buying out American companies. That means this game is based. 5/5

more like fallen nyaa~

better than umineko no naku koro ni

you know i gets my pimpin onnnnnnnnnn

i be pimpin all these hoessss

fascinating game... makes you think about the meaning of work.. and stuff... 5 stars

The effort that has been put into Fallen Ash is extremely self evident. I'm glad that you want it to be as perfect as possible, I think you did a good job.

Keep making

The characters are very charming and the voice acting adds a lot to that, makes even the background characters very endearing! I had a lot of fun hunting for every item required!